Saturday, March 3, 2012

The other half...of FatMumSlim

Well I can no longer deny it, March has arrived. I always feel somewhat ripped off by February, I always wish I had the other two or three days that the other months of the year endow us with. I have officially decided that February is my most hated month, it isn't really even a month, it just masquerades as one! Well enough of my ranting and hatred for February. The one plus that came out of this February for me, is the beginning of the new Nanny Kate studio (very excited!), and of course taking part in FatMumSlim's Febphotoaday.
My previous blog post showed you all what I had been clicking away at in the first half of February, well here is the other half for you. 
And for those of you who want to take part in the Marchphotoaday, just pop on over to see the gorgeous Chantelle over at FatMumSlim, and click on the Join the photo a day button on the left hand side of this fabby blog and play away. Leave me a message here if you are joining in, so I can have a little window into your world too. 

xx manda

16. something new

17. time 

18. drink (shrek juice)

19. something you hate to do (the grocery shopping)

20. handwriting (my 7yo sons)

21. fave photo of you
22. where you work
24. inside your bathroom cabinet (typical mess)

23. your shoes
25. green (basil fresh from the garden)

26. night (reading a book in bed)

27. something you ate (freshly baked banana bread)

28. money
29. something you are listening to

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